444 S Flower St | Suite 620
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Deryl Deese
Deryl began his career with Mitsui Manufacturers Bank in commercial lending. He spent several years in the gaming industry with Hollywood Park Racetrack as VP of Corporate Affairs and Director of Operations. Upon completing his MBA, he joined Johnson Development, the real estate division of Magic Johnson Enterprises as VP of Development. At Johnson Development, he was responsible for working with the team to execute on the firm’s urban core, underserved markets strategy to secure, open and operate new Starbucks, TGIFridays and Magic Johnson Theater locations across the country.
After leaving Johnson Development Corp, Deryl reentered the banking industry as a commercial real estate lender with Wells Fargo Bank’s SBA division in the San Francisco Bay area for small to medium sized businesses. While at Wells, he underwrote and financed the acquisition of over $325MM of user industrial, office and retail properties throughout the Bay Area.
His career has also included a multi-year stint with Marcus and Millichap, advising clients on the sale and acquisition of retail and office properties in Southern California.
Deryl’s primary focus at Tauro Capital is advising clients on and sourcing the debt and equity capital stack for the hospitality and multifamily sectors. With over 20 years in the industry he has advised on and closed over $1bn of commercial real estate transactions. He is an active member of the Real Estate Executive Council (REEC.ORG). A professional organization, consisting of minority commercial real estate professionals founded to promote the interests of and create wealth within and outside of the network.
Deryl is a double graduate of the University of Southern California, with a Bachelor of Science in real estate finance and development and Masters in Business Administration.
Organizations I’m Affiliated with :
- Real Estate Executive Council (REEC)
- USC Lusk Center for Real Estate Executive Committee Member
- National Association of Black Hotel Owners Operators & Developers (NABHOOD)
Books I’m Reading:
- James Baldwin, “The Fire Next Time”
- Rick Rubin, “The Creative Act: A Way of Being”
Charities I Support:
- Doctors without Borders
- Westcoast Sports Associates